How to Enable Mods in Survival? – Scrap Mechanic

On 7th May, scrap mechanic, the sandbox vehicle construction game, make the long-awaited update about survival mode. But how to enable it?

After many tests, this is the method that should work correctly for all players.

how to turn on mods in survival?

To enable mods, you need to have save of survival, if you don’t have it, do it.

  • Go to this folder : C:\Users\PC_name\AppData\Roaming\Axolot Games\Scrap Mechanic\User\User_xxxx\Save\Survival
  • Move your save file (*WorldName*.db) to C:\Users\*PC_name*\AppData\Roaming\Axolot Games\Scrap Mechanic\User\User_xxxx\Save

Start the game, In-game menu press “Play” and open creative mode, you see what you saved in creative mode, then turn on any mod which you download, for my example “ModPack” by Durf.

Join the creative menu into survival mode, but with enabled mods, to use block or items – everything that you have in your mode, you need to make craft by editing game file “Scrap Mechanic\Survival\CraftingRecipes\craftbot.json.”

You need to have ids of mods items. Also, I already make crafts, but “ModPack” outdated and has some bugs.

To download The “Modpack” and “craftbot.json” :

How to Install the Modpack?

Move folder “Modpack” from archive to:
“C:\Users\*PC_name*\AppData\Roaming\Axolot Games\
Scrap Mechanic\User\User_xxxx\Mods”

Then file craftbot.json move to “Scrap Mechanic\Survival\CraftingRecipes” and replace it.


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